Below are some of the books that Adam has authored, supported or provided chapters for.

The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion: Schools that Work for All Learners
(Boddison, 2021)

The School Handbook for Dual and Multiple Exceptionality: High Learning Potential with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
(Yates and Boddison, 2020)

Chapter 6.2: Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, from Learning to Teach in the Primary School: 4th Edition
(Purdy and Boddison, 2018)

Foreword: The Home Education Handbook: a comprehensive and practical guide to educating children at home.
(Hines and Baverstock, 2019)

Foreword: Including Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Learning and Life: How far have we come since the Warnock Enquiry – and where do we go next?
(Webster, 2019)
Series Editor for suite of A-level Maths and Further Maths text books (Harper Collins, Cambridge International Education)